Monday, December 17, 2007


a blanket, a cloak
freefalling through
at dusk

a sound, a silence
resounding drone
of hope loot

a cancer, a crust
metallic filth
a nasal must

at me, through me
like you know me
quasi care

real unreal
real unreal
inhale exhale
inhale exhale

Inspired by the wait


Anonymous said...

Nope You have not lost the touch Not yet!

FrostAtMidnite said...

A little while away from work, feels good to see creativity blossoming form amidst the desnse forest! :P see what this palce can do to u.... it killed ur talent...


Anonymous said...

nice stuff man.. keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

hey, sounds like something you could sing too.

Here's some homework. Make a tune for it. :D

Unknown said...

Waiting for more!

Ramya said...

lovely :)

Anonymous said...

why have you stopped posting? :(